Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Internet

One of my biggest timewasters is the internet. I leave it on while I can do things like keep track of what readings I have to do, read uni discussion boards, check uni email etc.

Unfortunately when I take a 'quick break' to do any one of these things, I also see that I have 4 new emails (of which at least one will require a reply - now!), and while I'm waiting for that I can check out one of 4 forums I am a member of, or perhaps check someone's blog.

Without realising it my 1 minute break has turned into a full blown 20 minute session, and I haven't moved from my chair. So I take the opportunity to dash to the toilet, make a drink and before I know it half an hour is gone and wasted.

The solution? I haven't found one yet, but when I do, you'll be the first to know, as another thing I can sqeeze in to a quick break is a short blog post.... oh, woops!

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Hmmm - are you me?

The only way to get things done is to switch off the computer - which really is a pain if you work on one (when not procrastinating!!)

Found you on your MiscMum comment.